ME, the teenager. A Short Story

“Uugghh I have first period all day.” I ranted to my friend Cassia.  “First period for me is math, you’re lucky you have art.  Mr. K lets you listen to music and do whatever.”I added.  “ Oh you’ll live. They have to bring those drug dogs into smell the lockers and stuff. You don’t want anyone with the stuff to be in school with you.” said Cassia. “I guess. Oh well first period here we go!”

Mrs. Nickel checked our homework and gave eight algebraic crosswords to do all  day. Soooooooo much fun. Oh. My. Gosh.  Beau Johnson just passed a note towards me! I bet it’s for me! He is so dreamy!  Oh I should’ve known, it was for Tobias the second most dreamy guy in the high school, and his friend. “RIINNGGG!!’’ Finally! Lunch! As I walk to my locker (the wing my locker is in hadn’t been checked yet.) Benny, the super short, debate team president walked to me for his daily proposal.  “Hello Lissa, I have something to ask you, well um he goes, Will you go out with me?” “Sorry Benny, but I think you used that one already.” I said literally to him.  “Also, you’re like three feet shorter than me, and I don’t even like you, so go sit in a hole.” He sulked off probably thinking of a new pickup line.  I go sit down in my favorite spot, the single table.  It only has one chair, and I can sit there, eat and read my book in peace.  my lunch was quite bland today, a piece of bread, water and raisins.  Right now I’m reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.  The most famous line from it,”Please sir, I want some more.”  reminded me of my lunch.”RIINNNNGGGG!” There goes the bell back to class.  I walk back to Mrs. Nickel’s room and remember that my sketch book was in my locker. I go to grab it and open my locker.  “Ewe!” I exclam, “Jordan needs to clean out his side of our locker.”Jordan is the person I share lockers with.  His side was filled with old bag lunches, gym socks, cologne, and new forms of bacteria. I stick my sketch book into my bag and head off to class.  Once I finish those eight  algebraic crosswords i start to sketch in my sketch book. I’m drawing my master plan for Saturday.(A weekly thing I do.) It includes, sweatpants, chai tea, beanbag chairs, a book, four cats, and that fleece blanket Aunt Ellie gave me.  Right as I’m drawing part B to my master plan the intercom screeches on,”SCREE!” “Sorry about that kids.” says our derpy principle.Then the Sheriff’s voice comes on, “Could we see Lissa McDarrel and Jordan  Wheeler in the office please .” Everyone in the room gasps including me. I shakily stand up and walk out the door.  I go in the office and the Sheriff asks me and Jordan to go to our locker.  “So when the dogs were smelling the lockers the only one they stopped at was yours, so we want to take a look inside. One of his deputies brought the dogs over. “Lissa could you open the locker up please?” I opened up the locker and the dogs immediately started barking at Jordan’s side.  The deputy motions for the dogs to point at what it is that they found.  They pointed toward a worn, stinky and slightly sweat moistened basketball shoe.  The Sheriff reluctantly pulls it out and looks in side, nothing.  He gives it a sniff and that was enough, he could tell that he dogs had mistaken the pungent stench as the smell of a drug. In the end the principle made Jordan clean out his locker and it has not smelled bad for a while.

This was just another day of Highschool life.


  1. I loved this story !!. I thought it was very funny the way you described your day at school. Is your day like that all time at school?

    1. Actually no, I’m in middle school. This has never happened to me but I collected most of my information from my older brother, who is in High school and shares a locker with a slob and in high school they have to bring dogs that can smell if there are drugs in someone’s locker.

  2. GJCC,
    I can’t relate that much to this short story, because I go to middle school, but this short story is interesting. Why was there a sherif at the high school?

  3. GJCC
    Honestly even if I’m not a high schooler, this story was really interesting because I can relate too you because of I also HATE GERMS.

    Also if you could come check out our blog site.


    1. I’m not a high schooler either but my brother is and I got most of my inspiration from stories he told me of his days at school.He shares a locker with a slob and most all high schools have to have dogs brought in to check it out.

  4. This story is relateble to some people, that have to share lockers with other people. I would hate to have to share a locker with someone who has dirty and smelly stuff in their lockers. Were you freaked out when the sheriff came and checked your locker?

    1. I was not because it has not happened to me yet, (i’m a middle schooler) but my brother is in high school and that’s where i got most of my inspiration, but no one I know has ever had to have the sheriff open up their locker.

  5. GJCC
    This was such a great blog! I love how you had so much detail about your lunch, how things smelled, and how you felt. How often do they bring these dogs in?

    1. Vramirez11
      Thank you! I’m sort of new to short stories but I think this one turned out pretty good.If and in the future they brings the dogs in twice a school year.Keep reading our blog we post new posts every week! What blog do you blog on? Leave a link! I totally want to visit it.
      PS have you ever had an experience like the one from my story?

  6. I loved how you explained how your “Drawing weekend” would be because that is exactly what I do on the weekends. Well, if you minus 4 cats and add one puppy. I loved this!:)

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