
By: Genevieve Carstensen

Do you have a problem at home or at school? Then the advice column is for you! This blog is for people who are unsure about their problems and need another opinion. Just post a comment below with your question. Your question will be answered in the coming week.  When posting a question  make sure not to include ANY names so the question is absolutely anonymous. For example: I have a problem, blah blah blah blah blah…..this person said this…..makes me feel bad.  please help, ~Really Worried.  If you have a problem that needs solving then write to us today!

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  1. I have a question. Be warned- it’s pointless. But I want to give this advice column thing a shot.

    I do a lot of sports and there are only a couple of days every week when I’m free. I’ve never really thought about it that much- until middle school. My grades are slipping and sometimes, I don’t even do my homework because I don’t have time. I really need your help!

    1. Dear ‘no time for schoolwork’, this may sound like something from a kids show, but just try your best and get your priorities straight. Also try asking your teachers questions. Also if you care enough about your grades you could miss one day of practice to get caught up. Hope this helps!

      1. Dear ‘ann nonymous’ Maybe you could have a friend over or go to a friends house and do you homework together. You get things done fast and have a second opinion also you’re spending time with them. Hope this helps!

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