Top Ten Best Lunch Foods



I have interviewed a few frequently lunch buyers to see what they had to say on the best lunch foods.  Our school has pretty reasonable lunch foods and I certainly like a large amount of the lunch menu.  Before I go on talking about the best foods, I will tell you my three least favorites.  My all time least favorite is the Quesadilla.  I am usually a big fan of quesadillas but the school’s version is not my kind of quesadilla.  Mexican Haystacks are my second least favorite.  I mean seriously Mexican haystack?  I didn’t know there were haystacks named after Mexicans.  Last and definitely the least would be the mini pancakes.  You are probably like ohhh yummy, PANCAKES but they are pancakes that come in a bag?!  There very soggy and not like the pancakes your dad makes on Sunday mornings.


  1.  Sliced meat and cheese wrap is the tenth best lunch food.  Meat and cheese wrap is just a simple lunch that most people enjoy!


  1.  Brunch for lunch came in as the ninth best lunch food.  Why not eat breakfast then 2 hours later have some more!


  1.  Lasagna is the best of the best when it comes to Stouffers.  Now when it comes to lunch foods it gets a little weary.  Not the best but I guess some kids like it.


  1.  I personally love this lunch food but I guess it’s not the most popular.  Chicken and Noodles.  Like the best food ever!  It would be my first by the way.


  1.  Calzone is what I usually get at a pizza place but calzone here are the bomb.  They are pizza wrapped in like garlic bread, type pizza crust.


  1.  Now at number 5, half way through the list with pizza sticks.  There is a bit of a pizza theme going on but I can live with some pizza a few days in a row.


  1.  The good ole boneless wings.  These wings are like another night on the ranch.  They were so good and I would definitely buy them again.


  1.  We just go from chicken to chicken but at the third favorite is… Asian sweet chicken.  When I eat that chicken it feels like I’m sitting in an asian restaurant.


  1.  Chicken to pork.  Pulled pork sandwich.  Pulled pork is my favorite food and it seems to be close to the favorite lunch food in the school.


  1. The all time favorite lunch food is…  Chicken Nuggets.  The chicken nuggets is at the top of the favorites list and I can see why.  They are so good and they taste like you got them at a restaurant that specializes in chicken nuggets!  

Some pretty good food if I say so myself.  Maybe some of you like those foods and maybe some of you don’t.  I usually never buy and after this I probably might start buying a little more than usual.  There are some schools that have quite the taste buds for good food.  I have even heard that people get to go home from school for a certain time period and eat there own food!  I would love to do that but then again, our school is far from where some of the students live so it would be difficult for them to get home.  After all this typing I am craving some chicken nuggets.  Well that is all about, the Top Ten Best Lunch Foods and I will write more later!

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  1. Kaiya I love your style of writing, I was just browsing through and I saw your blogs so I thought I would comment on them. GOOD JOB!!!

  2. Hello,
    I really enjoyed reading your post about The Top Ten Best Lunch Foods. I would love to try some of them as all of them sound very good. My personal favourite would have to be the pizza sticks. I hope that you post some things. I enjoy your blogs.

    Sincerely, Phoenix

    My Blog URL:

  3. Dear Kaiya,

    Hi my name is Harriet and I am from Australia.

    I really enjoyed reading this post about the top 10 best lunches. I was interesting because in Australia we do not have all those different foods. I value how you created an introduction and a conclusion as well as the count down.

    What year are you in? Where do you come from?

    come and check out my blog please.


  4. Hey I agree with chicken nuggets are good I have not tasted the ones at your school but I know what chicken nuggets are.

  5. Nice post!
    This was really useful to know what people liked to eat at school. And I like the way you put descriptions after each food 🙂
    Personally, my favorite is chicken nuggets. And one that’s not on there: sushi 🙂
    here Check out my blog 🙂

    1. I think sushi might be a difficult food choice for our school cooks but I could throw that idea out there! I enjoyed reading your blog post and I love the layout of your blog. I will have a blog post up tomorrow, November 18th. Hope you enjoy that one too! By the way your name, Zelda is very unique, I like it!

  6. Great post!
    I wish my school had that many choices! I’ve never had calzone before, but the way you described it made me start to crave some pizza and garlic bread. What’s one of the foods that people aren’t that big a fan of?
    Come check out my blog anytime!

  7. Hello,
    My name is Annie.
    I found your post really interesting learning about all the foods you have at your school.
    I like some of those foods but I was really interested to hear foods that I have never heard of before.
    Thank you very much for commenting on my blog.
    Kind Regards

  8. This is a very interesting and cool post. Are all of these food choices available at your school? Also I agree with you on these choices and really like the versions of these dishes that I have had.

  9. Hi Kaiya,
    I really like how you put so much time and effort for writing down all those foods, that sound absolutely delicious! You put in lots of details and that made me want to read on and on.

  10. hmstyler,

    Great post!
    Out of your top ten best lunch foods list, my favorite lunch food would be lasagna because I love the tomato sauce and cheese. My second favorite food is boneless chicken because no matter how it’s cooked like fried or oven-baked, I would still eat it no matter what. Finally, my third favorite food is chicken nuggets because I like the breading and the tenderness inside. OOOOHHH so yummy!!


  11. Wow your school has really good lunches the only one of those my school has is the chicken and noodles, brunch, and chicken nuggets. I was immediately jealous when I read your post.😂😀

  12. Hello, I think it really cool that, before you stated the top 10 good foods, you put the top three bad foods. Great job!
    Visit my blog at

  13. Hi,

    My name is Anisha! I really had a good time reading your post! And you are so lucky that your school provides all those things cause some of them are delicious! Please visit my blog!


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