What happens to students after school?

Many different students have a wide range of what they do after school.  I will first tell you what I do after school.  I ride my bus to my house, which will take about 7 minutes.  Once I get off my bus, I usually play with my cousins for about 10 minutes, because they get off the bus with us.  Then, I typically get a snack.  I will then either sit, and read and do homework or jump on the trampoline, depending on how much homework I have. Then, my brother comes, and we usually play for a bit.  Then,  my mom checks my homework and we work out the problems I got wrong.  Then I will eat dinner and head to basketball tryouts.  About two hours later, I get home and put in their coop thirteen chickens and 2 turkeys, then I feed 3 cats. I am usually pretty pooped after basketball, so I then come inside and get ice cream and watch HULU for about half an hour, then I go to bed.

Now I’m going to interview someone who has a very different life after school. He isn’t doing basketball like me, and he has a much longer bus ride.  I chose him because he is easy to talk to so he will be easy to interview.  He is the one on the left in the picture in the under armor, and I’m the one on the right with the notebook.

I will be interviewing Caleb V.  First, he rides the bus home from McDowell, which takes about an hour.  Once he gets home, he is greeted by his brother and mother.  Then,  he does his homework, which will take 20 minutes give or take.  Then he will take a break for a while, and read for a bit, before playing on his phone.  Then he will eat dinner, which is usually delicious home cooked meals.  After supper, he does the dishes by himself.  Then, he has some family time, and they usually watch a movie together.  Their favorite genre is comedy.  Then they have some time on their hands, so him and his brother usually watch videos together on his brother’s laptop.  Then it is bedtime and it’s about 9:00.


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