My Ideal School

     If I had my ideal school it would be perfect. Here are some ways I would make my school ideal for myself. In my ideal school we would have school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday but not Friday. We wouldn’t have school on Friday so kids get a three day weekend so they could spend it with family and friends.  To make things perfect for me I would have school start at 9:30 a.m. and have the kids go home at 2:30 p.m. I would have it start at 9:30 so kids have enough time to sleep and get ready on time and not be rushed in the mornings. I feel like 2:30 would be a good time for kids to go home because it gives them five hours of school and to me that is enough time for school. For school subjects we would have LA, ADV LA, Math, ADV Math, Science and Social Studies. We would also have special classes like choir, band, technology and art. The advanced classes would be for students that just learn a little bit faster than others and the regular classes are for students that learn at their own pace. For kids that need extra help they could get a tutor for no cost and stay after school for one or two hours until they understand what they need to do. 

         In my ideal school we would have amazing food. Everyday we would have something different. We would have food such as chicken noodle soup, sloppy joes, grilled cheese and a little dessert to go with it. The price for all this food would be one dollar so if kids don’t have food at their house they can buy school food for a cheap price. For every holiday we would have a big feast with food such as turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and corn. It would be so good that everyone would be stuffed and not hungry for the rest of the day.

      In my ideal school we would offer sports. These sports would be softball, basketball, tennis, track, baseball, football and lacrosse. All sports would cost $50.00 each and that would pay for their uniforms and the rest would be donated to the school. Games would be through the week. Practices would be right after school and only till 4:00, so kids could have time to homework. This is my ideal school. I think students will have a fun time going to school and also doing work at the same time. I really hope this becomes a real school some day!(Image from

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