Changes in Schools

Over the past 100 years schools have changed a lot. Technology, ways to study, what is taught, and a lot more has changed. To some people it is probably hard to think that kids used to have to go to the library and read to find information. They could not just go and google something. So how have schools changed over the past 100 years?

The biggest change over the past 100 years is technology. Most students today have computers or Chromebooks that they can just google any information they need. But, not so long ago you would have to go to your school’s library and read books to look for information. Most kids today think that that is near impossible. You also had to go to the library to study, which kids today might also think is near impossible. Technology has changed a lot more in schools and you can read more about it here.

Something that has also changed over the past 100 years is what has been taught. Not that long ago students were taught that Pluto was a planet and now it is not considered a planet, it is considered a dwarf planet. Schools have also changed how to solve math problems. Most kids asking their parents for help on their math homework are not able to get that help because parents were taught differently.

Third, something that has changed over the last 100 years in schools is ways students got to school. Kids a while ago might have had to walk or ride a bike to get to school. Once vehicles were created families who could afford a car drove their kids to school and other had to ride a bike, walk, or ride a bus. But now most families can afford a car to take their kids to school or they just ride the bus to school.

There are many, many more ways that schools have changed over the past 100 years but, these are just a few. Just try to imagine riding to schools on a bike or walking to school. Just try and imagine having to go to the library every day just to study or find information. So there are many ways schools has changed over the past 100 years.

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