2011 Japan Tsunami (Activity #4)

japan_tsunami-07-beforeShane and Marek did not expect their regular walk to the store to end in disaster. Both boys knew tsunamis were not very rare in the coasts of Japan and were tuned in the weather station. But the tsunami they were about to witness was the worst tsunami in the world.

Marek went up to the market and bought two vegetable bean cans. Then the tsunami came. Buildings were destroyed, people were stuck in cars. Marek suddenly bolted out of the store and jumped on a ladder that took him to the top of a skyscraper. But where was Shane?

Shane was stuck inside the store, when he laid his eyes on Marek. The glass building that Marek was hiding  in was shattering. Shane needed to get to his friend, but he was on the other side of the massive tsunami. But the question was: how?

Shane didn’t know what to do.  How could he get to Marek in time?  He was all the way over in that building!  But Shane did know one thing; he was going to save his friend.  He looked at the oncoming tsunami.  It may have been scary, but so was the idea of losing Marek. It was going to be almost impossible to save his best friends life.

You decide: how should the story end? Comment below!


Picture link- http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-japan-tsunami-before-after-slider-htmlstory.html


  1. Hi my name’s Olivia and I come from Australia.

    I really loved your story and your creativity. I also loved the idea of getting others to write the ending.

    At our school right now, we are studying tsunamis and we even studied that Japan tsunami! I am really enjoying learning about tsunamis and how to prepare for them.

    I think you did a wonderful job!

    Please visit my blog and leave a comment! http://oliviat6wildy.edublogs.org/

    From Olivia (Australia)

    1. Hi. My name is Amanda. I think your post is ver interesting, and your blog looks really awesome. Please comment on my blog at, amandhirsc8904.blogspot.com.

  2. Hi my name is Emma and I am from Australia,
    I really love you story of the tragic tsunami that occurred in Japan.

    Right now in school we are learning about tsunamis and how they happen.

    I love how it was very easy to follow and interesting to read. Great Job!

    Come check out my blog!

    From Emma

  3. Hi Emma, thank you for stopping by. I have a question for you, and that is have you in Australia had a tsunami? If so, I understand you. In the Us, my town had a huge flood. Yikes!

  4. HI Lesimonc!
    That story was amazing! I come from Japan and I was never in a tsunami but i felt earthquakes in the morning! When I was eating breakfast the floor started shaking and I was scared but it ended quick…
    Visit me if you can!


  5. I would have this story end by Shane will surf the tsunami and he’ll go to that build that his friend was in. He will climb up the ladder and find his friend. Then they find a parachute, so they will jump off the building and float slowly down into part of the water that doesn’t have debris in it.
    Check out my blog at http://emaliahgms23.edublogs.org/.

  6. This is a great and suspenseful story and I like how it is based on something that happens in real life and is something that could have happened. I also like how the ending is up to the readers to decide what happens.

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