I’ve Procrastinated

Procrastinating, we all do it. This is where you put off tasks that need to be done, until the last second. This post was procrastinated. I waited till the last second, I had a whole month until this post was due, and I’m starting on the day it’s due.

It is hard not to procrastinate. I planned to do this post last weekend. But of course, something came up. My cousin came over and there was more fun things to do. So I thought I have till Tuesday, I will do it Monday night. I go to school Today and realize the post is due Today not Tommorow.

Good thing my class mate gave me the idea to write this post. I started on the post in guided study, I didn’t finish. So I decided to do it this evening. And guess what, I procrastinated. I realized instead of doing my post I got carried away with a book and a video game. So  at 10:25 p.m., I’m writing instead of sleeping. I recommend not procrastinating.

Image from:Procrastination is DEADLY | The Ithacan




  1. I get you! I tend to do things at the last minute, when I’m falling asleep but still have to do work. I wish I would do work and have extra time. I know I can but I procrastinate. I then panic and turn in work that looks like I paid a 3rd grader to do my task.

  2. Dear RYANGN18, thanks for sharing what you thought about my procrastinating post, I have trouble with procrastinating everything school wise, I still have to do my math homework, hey at least I have guided study period.

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