The Eye of Minds

The Eye of Minds is a fictional book written by James Dashner.  The main character is Michael, he likes to play a videogame called the Virtnet.  Michael is sent on a mission by the VNS. His friends, Bryson and Sarah are by his side the whole way through the book. Then there is real life outside the Virtnet.

To get into the Virtnet you have to get inside a nervebox which looks a lot like a coffin. The Virtnet is like real life but you are in a videogame, if you get hit in the game you can feel it in the nervebox.  One day the VNS shows up at Michael’s house, they take him to their headquarters to talk.  They want Michael and his friends to stop Kaine.  Kaine is a cyber terrorist, he has been killing humans from inside the Virtnet.  On the mission they had to go and find “the path,” the path would lead them to Kaine.  

Bryson and Sarah are Michael’s best friends in the Virtnet, they have never met in the real world.  Michael, Sarah, and Bryson are really good at hacking.  They use it for almost everything, getting out of tough situations, getting into games and they built a treehouse that no one knows about but them.  To get to the path they had to get into a game called Devils of Destruction, but is was rated for adults.  So, they had to hack their way in, once they got in they had to find the trenches. In one of the trenches was a portal leading to the path.

I thought that this books was a really good book, I would give it 5/5



  1. I really enjoy the way you described the story and I hope I get to read the book. I enjoy the way you talked about it.

  2. I like how you described the story, it really made me really want to red that book now. I also liked how you described the characters of the story.

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