The Demon of Halloween

I was walking home when I heard a noise in the bushes, I thought it was a cat so I continued walking.  Five minutes later I heard the same exact noise.  Still having to walk another mile I called my friend, Bill to see if he could give me a ride to his house.  He picked me up a few minutes later, he was just leaving his friends Halloween party.  Bill lives outside of town about 20 minutes away.   It was a long quiet ride, we didn’t talk about much.  But I didn’t tell him what I heard.  Once we were there we went inside and watched T.V.  The movie was a scary Halloween movie, the same sound that came from the bushes was in the movie.  

The movie gave me chills. There was a demon that had a red, cut up and bloody face.  We watched the rest of the movie, I will be scared all night.  While we went to sleep I kept hearing scary noises coming from outside.  Eventually I looked outside to try to see what it was, I didn’t see anything.  Then suddenly the monster I saw in the movie jumped up to the window scaring me.  So I woke Bill up to tell him, he was scared too.  His reaction was to have someone watch just in case.

Bill took the first watch.  I slept first, it was hard to sleep knowing what could be out there.  A few hours later when Bill woke me up he said he said he saw it again.  So next I watched for a couple of hours. Suddenly, Bill was dragged away by a monster with a blood red face. He woke up and was confused but when he was the monster he started screaming, then I started chasing him.  Once I caught up I grabbed his foot but the monster was too strong. He was gone, I would never see him again.                            

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