The Enemy Review

Image from Down Under Teacher: Let’s get Acquainted which is at this link;

The Enemy is a Sci-Fi book by Charlie Higson and the first in its series. It’s about a group of kids who live in London trying to survive in this new world. The main characters are Arron, Achileus, Deke, Zeke, Maddie, Maxie, Colin, and Jester. The new world is a world were a disease ravages the world that turns anyone over 16 into mindless killers with horrible acne. The plot of it follows a little bit like this, “Y’know, it’s the end of the world, might as well crack a joke or two.” Trust me, Achileus is hilarious.

If you have ever played one of the Sonic Adventure games or Sonic 06′ you would know there are branching stories. That’s kinda the same with the entire Enemy series. But in the book, it will usually switch perspectives when you get to the next chapter. The branching stories are Small Sam and Arron’s group. Arron’s group is trying to get to London Castle. Small Sam tries to re-join the group.

That’s the end of this book review because I can’t go into depth without spoiling the rest of the book. I hope you’re interested in this series now. I enjoy it.



  1. Maybe you should put Book Review: The Enemy, so people know that it is a book. Right now it’s just The Enemy Review, and it’s a little confusing.

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